Welcome to The Kinguard Project

From The Kinguard Project Wiki
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This wiki is meant to be a place where we can share knowledge on how to best work for common cause, stay in control of our own data.

The site "The Kinguard Project" is a workplace for this, with a website for public attraction, a forum for questions and discussions and this wiki for more permanent project related information.

Human Rights Human Rights
Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
KGPOfficial Documentation The Kinguard Project Official Documentation
User's guides, data sheets and other 'public' stuff.
Resources Downloads
Pre-built images, android apps and such
Screenshots and Photos Screenshots and Photos
Screenshots and product photos.
Security Security
Information regarding the security of The Kinguard Project.
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
Bits and pieces that don't fit other categories.
Tutorials and How-tos Tutorials and How-tos
Tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your Kinguard Project powered unit.

About This Wiki

This wiki acts as the primary source for Kinguard Project-related tutorials and how-tos as well as tips and tricks that can help you to get the most out of this Linux-based personal server.

How to Contribute

To become a contributor, you need to create an account and let us know how you want to contribute to the wiki. To protect wiki from spam, your request must be approved by one of the wiki administrators. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we do our best to approve requests in a timely manner. Thank you for your understanding.

General Guidelines

  • The working language of this wiki is English.
  • Please do not upload images larger than 1MB.
  • Use clear and simple language to make your articles accessible for non-technical users.
  • Keep in mind that for many users English is a foreign language.
  • Do not use this wiki for support issues. All techinical queries should be posted on the official forum