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System configuration file

The kinguard system components store all generic none security sensitive configuration in a central configuration file "/etc/kinguard/sysconfig.json".

This file should however never be manually edited it should always be accessed programatically using either libkgp or any wrapper to this library described further down.

File Syntax

For reference here is the layout of the sysconfig json file. Please read the file for reference but never ever edit it manually.

The complete configuration file is one json object (note that javascript object syntax is not permitted).

The file is set up using a "scope" and "key/value" pairs.

All scope and key identifiers shall be lowercase and written with letters and digits only, no "-" or "_".



Native access via libkgp

Libkgp is the main library to use when programming locally for the kinguard system it contains c++ objects for managing all kinguard functions. No official documentation exists for this yet but pointers on how it works can be found in the unit tests and in the applications utilizing them for example KGP backend and KGP startup control

To access the system configuration the SysConfig class


Most wrappers can also be used to access other information provided by libkgp, such as the current running system type, information about system storage etc.

Shell Scripts

For shell scripts, use "kgp-sysinfo". Run kgp-sysinfo --help for options.


# kgp-sysinfo -c hostinfo -k unitid -p

# kgp-sysinfo -c hostinfo -k unitid

For Python3, use the python library "pylibopi"


>>> import pylibopi
>>> pylibopi.StorageDevice()

For C programs, libkgp_wrapper can be used.


Currently no native PHP wrapper exists, but kgp-sysinfo defaults to output json (see above) that can easily be used in PHP.

Config scopes and variables

Very few of these parameters are mandatory. However default behavior for the applications will vary if an expected parameter is missing.

- hostinfo
     |- unitid      system id to use as account identifier for service provider backends
     |- hostname    the 'host' part of the FQDN
     |- domain      the 'domain' part of the FQDN
     |- cafile      the ca file used to verify service provider backends
     |- sysauthkey  the key used to access data on service provider backends
     |- syspubkey   corresponding public key

- upnp
     |- forwardports  which ports the device shall try to forward from a UPNP gateway

- autoupdate
     |- enabled     turns on and off automatic updates

- backup
     |- backend           which storage backend to use for s3ql 
     |- devicemountpath   where to mount local devices, such as usb memories
     |- enabled           turns on and off the backup service

- dns
     |- dnsauthkey    the key used for lower level authentication on service provider backends
     |- dnspubkey     corresponding public key
     |- enabled       turns on and off dns updates
     |- provider      backend provider

- webcertificate
     |- backend       backend provider
     |- enabled       turns on and off generation of web certificates

- webapps
     |- theme      the theme used by webapps