Greater than 2MB Upload?

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Greater than 2MB Upload?

Post by BryanW » Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:03 pm

I want to say that this little box does everything that two other *starter campaigns I backed have failed to deliver. I've mentioned it in conversations with other backers, hopefully that will result in a few more sales for you.

Question: I've noticed there is a 2MB limit for uploads enforced in the web interface. Is there any way to increase that?

I know that I can upload larger files via the OwnCloud client, but the web interface is actually easier to use and doesn't require that I connect and disconnect "sync" folders to upload a single large file.

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Post by tor » Tue Oct 06, 2015 1:00 pm

Hi Bryan,

Thank you for your kind words on OPI and sorry for the late reply. Work and a weekend got in the way.

Regarding the 2MB limit. That is most likely due to an old original installation, it should be 100MB nowadays. Make sure the unit is upgraded and possibly rebooted and see if that makes any difference?



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Post by BryanW » Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:41 pm

The unit came with version 1.3. I verified this with the presence of the opi-contacts tab in mail and version=1.3 in /etc/opi.

I can't reboot the device right now as I don't have the master password with me. Is there something I can check in the shell to verify the upload is set to 100MB?

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Post by BryanW » Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:56 pm

I rebooted the device, and now it shows 100MB upload capacity. I'm pretty sure it was 1.3 when received, but apparently not! I did notice something odd - the mail client asked me to log in separate from the main screen. Perhaps it did an upgrade as I was writing you.

Thank you.

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Post by tor » Wed Oct 07, 2015 12:10 pm

Hi BryanW,

I actually think that your device came with an elder factory-install. Browsing our bug-tracker and release notes indicates that this limit where changed as a part of the v1.1 release of the software. Thus i think your device auto-upgraded to 1.3 before you had time to notice. (OPI checks for upgrades daily if the feature is not disabled.) A little bit strange that it actually required a reboot for this to get activated.

Regarding the separate mail login request. This should not be the normal behavior and if it persists, please contact support!

Best Regards,


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