Feature Request: Access to Owncloud settings

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Feature Request: Access to Owncloud settings

Post by murtagh » Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:04 am

I would like access to the Owncloud settings panel, or at least more comprehensive control of it. I don't quite yet have a laundry list of features to request be moved to OPI's admin, but there is a lot I would like to play with.


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Post by tor » Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:31 am

Hi murtagh,

Regarding Owncloud and settings. We actually have not turned that much of. You should still be able to access the individual pages for admin, if logged in as an admin user, on the following URLs.

Admin settings https://[your opiname].op-i.me/oc/index.php/settings/admin
Users https://[your opiname].op-i.me/oc/index.php/settings/users
Apps https://[your opiname].op-i.me/oc/index.php/settings/apps

It should of course be noted that any changes that way is unsupported since this is nothing we test. And if you fx should disable the OC OPI-authentication app you would be effectivly shut out from logging in to the OC via OPI interface.

All feedback and comments on this is of course welcome.


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